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Somerset Voice February 2023

After the very successful launch of the new website last week yet more exciting news marking our 20 year celebration. We are proud to appear in this month’s Somerset Chamber of Commerce “Somerset Voice” magazine you can view the article here on page 31.

The “Somerset Voice” is the official magazine of the Somerset Chamber of Commerce that is released bi-monthly to all subscribers highlighting their work and that of their members. Amarin worked with Annelise Cowie, who is the PR and Communications Executive for the Chamber, on putting Amarin in the spotlight during our 20 year anniversary celebrations.

This forms part of our 20 year anniversary launch with many exciting plans to come throughout 2023. This includes Amarin logo coasters that are produced in-house for our customers, sponsoring the ‘Amarin Rubber & Plastics 20th anniversary’ horse race at Bath race course this summer, which includes invitations to all our staff and their families to celebrate with us, and much, much more.



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Ian HowellsMD & Founder

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